Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Ghost of Oreo: A dead dog continues to haunt New York City and the no-kill movement.

By Michael Mountain
In Hamlet, the ghost of a murdered king haunts the palace and the nation. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” mutters one of the courtiers. Blood has already been spilled, and before the end of the tragedy, more will flow in order to cleanse what is rotten and restore the balance.
Oreo was not a king. She was a pit bull dog, abused by a young hoodlum in New York City who, in June 2009, ended up throwing the dog off the roof of his apartment building. Oreo survived and was taken to the ASPCA shelter. They repaired her broken legs, looked after her for several months, and raised funds in her name before concluding that they could not deal with her aggressive tendencies. Then they killed her….

Jennifer Bowman interviews Jason Miller
Jennifer Bowman: So let’s cut right to the chase. In some of your recent writings, you’ve indicated that you’re dealing with some serious challenges in your life right now. What are they?
Jason Miller: Aside from the systemic backlash resulting from my vigorous activism, I’m dealing with a number of serious personal issues. Some of these were self-inflicted and some weren’t. Either way, I need to deal with them.
I was so absorbed in my activism for about a year that I let certain aspects of my life get away from me, in a manner of speaking. As many of you may have already read, I’m a recovering alcoholic (since 1992—hence my straightedge beliefs). However, I got away from some of my spiritual and intellectual efforts to manage my passion and set aside working the Twelve Steps, which tends to land me into trouble. Fortunately, I’m back on the path I need to follow, which still includes veganism of course, and have turned to the painful task of cleaning up my messes.
JB: What do you mean by “systemic backlash resulting….

Roundabout as Conflict-avoidance versus Malcolm X’s Psychology of Liberation
by Denis Rancourt
August 25th, 2010
Simulposted with Dissident Voice
In the present essay I introduce the general notion of “roundabout” as a mechanism of conflict avoidance used by privileged social justice activists. I then contrast this pseudo-liberation activism with the needed true liberation activism of Malcolm X, which I argue to be consistent with the model of liberation of Freire.
The now familiar concept of “pacifism as pathology” was introduced by Ward Churchill as the central characteristic of First-World middleclass so-called social justice activism. Churchill argued from history that all liberations were leveraged through violence and proposed that pacifism as cowardice was pathology.1
Gandhi stated that it was better to practice armed resistance than to use pacifism as an excuse for cowardice.2 Both men (Churchill and Ghandi) saw acceptance of and self-justification for one’s ….

A gluttonous and obscene spectacle that glorified “bacon”
Journal Entry by Jason Miller
Astoundingly, the Rehabilitation Institute (Founded in 1947, the Rehabilitation Institute provides medical rehabilitation and employment placement services for children and adults who have experienced a catastrophic injury or illness or injury resulting in a significant disability. The Institute’s array of services address the most basic activities of daily living including mobility, communication and self care to more complex issues related to driving, living independently, attending school or working.) chose to raise funds by putting on a gluttonous and obscene spectacle that glorified “bacon.”
Check it out:
What a perverse irony that an entity that exists to alleviate suffering would gleefully endorse and promote the abject barbarism and misery to which pigs are subjected to produce “bacon.” Further, as a rehabilitation service which no doubt counts stroke victims amongst its clients, it is absurd and unconscionable that they would aggrandize “meat….

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